понедељак, 28. јануар 2013.

В. Брборић, П. Буњак, А. Вранеш и др. (Београд)


Published on Jan 20, 2013 by Lego Legolas

Ако укуцамо као кључну реч у Узајамној библиографско-каталошкој бази података COBIB.SR српски језик добићемо информацију да су 2012. године објављене 1463 публикације (књиге, чланци, излагања на конференцији, дипломски радови, магистарске и докторске дисертације и др.). Из штампе су изашла 4 правописна приручника, објављени су 1 правопис, 1 правописни речник, 1 школски правопис, 1 уџбеник на компакт-диску у коме се обрађује ортографска и ортоепска норма и др. Године 2011. објављено је 1865 публикација, док 2010. године - 1765. - нап. уред.


Uploaded on Jul 9, 2010 by MoveOneRelo

"The official language in Serbia is Serbian and the script in official use is Cyrillic, while Latin script is also used. In the areas inhabited by ethnic minorities, the languages and scripts of the minorities are in official use, as provided by law" (MFA). "Serbian (Serbian Cyrillic: Српски, Serbian Latin: Srpski, pronounced [ˈsr̩pskiː]) is a standardized form of the Shtokavian dialect of Serbo-Croatian used as an official language of Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo. The same subdialect of Shtokavian is also the basis for the mutually intelligible standards of Croatian, Bosnian, and Montenegrin" (Facebook). "The term Serbo-Croatian was coined in 1824 by German dictionary maker and folklorist Jacob Grimm" (Britannica). "There are thirty sounds in the language. The language has the Cyrillic and the Latin alphabets. In the Cyrillic alphabet, there is one symbol for each sound, thatis, there are as many letters as sounds (30), making it completely phonetic. <...> The Latin alphabet is also phonetic, but some double letters are pronounced as one sound" (University of Maryland). "Of all the orthgraphical reforms proposed by such well-known Serbian writers as Dositej Obradović, Sava Tekelija, Lukijan Mušicki, Atanasije Stojković, Pavle Solarić, Vuk Karadžić favoured Sava Mrkalj's system the best. The principle underlying Mrkalj's system was one sound - one letter, which meant that every sound should be represented by one letter, and that each distinctive sound of the spoken language should have a letter corresponding to it alone" (Wikipedia).

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